Kirkby on Bain students dig for victory at Lincolnshire Show

This week Kirkby on Bain Primary School students entered their Victory Garden in the Lincolnshire Show Schools Challenge, an initiative run jointly by The Lincolnshire Agricultural Society and The EBP, a social enterprise which delivers a wide range of enrichment programmes to young people aged 5 to 19 years.

Students were tasked with the challenge of researching, designing and building a mini garden allotment to reflect the theme of the famous victory gardens started during World War One.

Plants had to be edible and maximise the space for food production, including herbs. This year credit was also given to the decoration of the outside of the raised bed. Alongside the allotment, students were required to produce a wartime recipe cook book to show how the vegetables or herbs would have been used.

Design work and planning took place in the school classroom with the garden allotments being built at the Lincolnshire Showground on Tuesday 19 June, the day before the Lincolnshire Show. A raised bed filled with compost was provided to display the garden allotment.

Historical note: children featured in this wartime Ministry of Information film:

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